Sunday, 5 June 2011
Do you think General Motors should change its name to "Government Motors"?
I can%26#039;t wait to see what all the bark-eating liberals have in store for that company. Organic tire treads, anyone? How about solar powered windows with iPod ports in the back of every seat, or flower beds installed in the doors so you can grow your own in your car. I hope the new Escalade comes in tye-dye color patterns. Of course, Ludacris will get his ride pimped by MTV to include gun ports, and a special hiding space in back for his latest beaten b*tch.|||All three US automakers should be called, %26quot;Gass guzzlers that every red-blooded American wants to drive%26quot;|||They%26#039;ll mandate the manufacture of expensive PC clown cars that no one will buy.|||I am a pro ranter, and let me tell you, bud. This is one hell of a rant. It has nothing to do with the title, its just angry, cynical, and rapid fire. I give it a two thumbs up. I like to think of myself of the kvetchingest crotchety old bastard on yahoo but you may have me beat. Keep givin%26#039; em hell and I%26#039;ll keep ranting, as long as the foam from my mouth doesn%26#039;t short circuit the keyboard.|||lol good ideas here u go another proposal Gigolo Motors. Sound good? hee hee.|||Sure. Big Brother taking over more and more chunks of the business world every day would suit Obama just fine.