Sunday, 5 June 2011

Does anyone know how to cahnge a power window motor on a 2002 Chevy Cavalier?

I have bought the power window motor %26amp; was given a brief %26amp; unhelpful overview of how to change the motor but i could still use a step by step or at least a little something of what I am doing. See I have the panel off %26amp; I can cut off the snapbolts that are holding the motor on but what do I do from there. The motor set in an awkward position so that there is no view of the area that I will be working. As well I have no clue how to set the window to the new motor either. Any small amount of info or even a diagram would be very helpful. Thanks|||KIND OF HARD TO DESCRIBE IN A ONE SIDED CONVERSION . WHEN TALKING TO SOMEONE YOU KNOW IF THEY ARE GETTING IT OR NOT . WHAT YOU CALL SNAP BOLTS ARE 1/4%26quot; POP RIVETS IF YOU HAVEN%26#039;T REMOVED THEM USE A SMALL PIN PUNCH TO DRIVE THE RIVET MANDREL BACK IN SIDE IT SELF , THEN USE A DRILL MOTOR WITH A 1/4 %26quot; BIT TO DRILL OUT THE RIVETS HAVE SOME ONE HOLD THE WINDOW UP AT THE TOP OF IT%26#039;S TRACK WHILE YOU DRILL THEM OUT . DON%26#039;T LET THE WINDOW FALL AS IT COULD BREAK .SLIDE THE ADJUSTMENT WHEEL OUT OF THE TRACK ON THE BOTTOM OF THE GLASS , NOTE THE POSITION OF THE MOTOR AS YOU WILL BE PUTTING THE NEW MOTOR BACK IN THE SAME WAY .HAVE 1/4%26quot; X 20 -1/2%26quot; LONG BOLTS , NUTS , LOCK WASHERS ALL READY TO PUT IN THE HOLES THE POP RIVETS CAME OUT OF . AS YOU PUT THE MOTOR IN THE DOOR LINE UP THE ADJUST WHEEL INTO THE TRACK ON THE BOTTOM OF THE WINDOW THEN INSTALL THE BOLTS AND TIGHTEN UP , AND TEST OUT . HOPE YOU UNDER STAND WHAT I LAID OUT HERE . ONCE YOU GET INTO IT THAT DEEP IT BECOMES EASY TO SEE HOW IT GOES TOGETHER .|||Sounds good so far; just when you take the old one out put the new one in its place, with the same wires.