Some morons were changing oil right beside my car at a service station, and used motor oil splattered all over the side of my car. They took to to a car wash. However, now there are streaks all over the side. Can used motor oil damage the paint in the long run? Also, how do I get this off my paint and windows? Thanks for your help!
Can used motor oil damage car paint? How do you get it off the car paint and windows?
orange hand cleaner takes it rite off
Can used motor oil damage car paint? How do you get it off the car paint and windows?
Wash it a few times and use lots of soap, hand wash if possible. It probably won't damage the paint unless it's left on for a long time
I'd use some good detergent. I don't think its any long lasting damage. If not taken them to small claims court.
de-natured alcohol
Relax,it isn't going to hurt the paint.At worst it will need new wax to remove any streaking after the oil is washed off with detergent.
If you're sure proof positive that it's used motor oil on your car paint it will not damage it. For complete and safe removal buy a gallon can of mineral spirits or WD-40 and wash it down. The issue will be that either product will strip off any remaining wax coating on the paint.
Think of it this way: People accidentally spill gasoline on the side of their cars everyday and the paint doesn't come off. Motor oil isn't as nasty as gasoline as far as a paint stripper goes.
In any event after the mineral spirits or WD-40 trick, wash the car with Mothers car wash soap and re-wax. If the glass continues not to suit you, spray each pane of glass down with Stoners Glass Cleaner avalable at Walmart's automotive section.
Used motor oil will not damage your paint, or windows, no more than leaving the streaks, that you are seeing, now. That is going to be the worst of it. I can understand where you are comming from, though, It shouldn't have happened, in the first place. They should be more careful. Espically, in business, for the public.The oil will eventually wash off the paint, and, the windows. You may want to consider using something like Dawn dish soap. Like they say... Dawn takes away grease, so it will probably take away oil, as well. Maybe not in the first application, but, after several washings, it no doubt will remove the oil from the paint, and the windows. You could also try Oxy Clean... This stuff seems to work wonders. Again, maybe not on the first application, but after several washings... The oil should be gone. Oil leaves a residue on anything it comes in contact with, it seems. If you have ever seen oil on the water, it leaves a kind of film-like residue, where it is. I think, after several washings, you'll have nothing to worry about. Just be patient... It may take some time to wash off the oil, along with the residue, itself. In the future, I think I would pick a different service station.
use wax on your car and side windows. that should take it off.