I know it isn't really possible to be diagnosed over the internet, but I just want opinions from anyone who actually knows about Asperger's to tell me what they think, and if I should go see my GP for a referral or something. My symptoms:
SOCIAL SKILLS: I quite often find that I don't know what to say in social situations, especially when people say, %26quot;Hello, how are you?%26quot; and sometimes I don't respond. People often tell me to talk more and call me 'aloof', but I'm bad at small talk and conversations (especially with strangers). I don't enjoy talking to people who aren't my closest friends/family/people on the internet.
EYE CONTACT: I CAN look people in the eyes, but it feels slightly uncomfortable, so I look away. But if someone just randomly looks into my eyes (even when I'm not talking to them) I suddenly feel really anxious and my automatic reaction is to look away.
MOTOR SKILLS/POSTURE: I have always been uncoordinated and P.E. at school is torture (I HATE sport). My parents often complain to me that I have a stiff, slouchy posture, and that its weird how I hardly ever move my arms when I walk!
OBSESSIONS: I always get SO obsessed with things, especially unusual things, like I could tell you almost everything about guitars, computers, millipedes and heroin (but I have NO INTENTION of trying it!). And those are only a few of my obsessions! My dad gets really obsessed with things, but I'm 100% sure he isn't autistic.
FACIAL EXPRESSIONS: apparently I hardly ever smile, and I look upset all the time! I CAN tell if people are angry,happy,sad, but I quite often think that people are angry or don't like me when that isn't true!
CHANGE/RITUALS: I don't mind change (I plan for it in my head), and I don't have rituals, although when I'm on the bus coming home from school, I make a list of things I HAVE to do (feed the cat, wash my hands, etc.) and I need to do them in that order.
SENSORY: I have extra-sensitive senses (I can taste food poisoning, and streetlights hurt my eyes, even when it's nighttime and I'm in a car with tinted windows). Also some noises really annoy me, like I feel a strong desire to attack those annoying girls who scream (I hate screaming, and I DON'T EVER scream, even in fear). I have a high pain tolerance and I don't mind being hugged, but I HATE being tickled (it hurts!). I also notice details others don't, and I get distracted by background noise.
EMPATHY: I find it hard to feel sad for my relatives who die (I laughed when I found out my uncle had just committed suicide, because I KNEW he was going to one day but no one believed me!). But I felt sad when my cat died.
Also I'm 15 and I can't get to sleep unless I have my soft toys and baby blanket, and I punched my friend when he was only joking (but I thought he was being serious and insulting me). I think idioms are stupid, and I need them (along with those silly expressions people use) explained to me. All the time, I find myself wiggling my toes and fiddling with zips and my nails and fingers and I don't consiously do that!
I think I might have Asperger's Syndrome?!?
What a wonderful society that we live in that we have to classify everything, and put people in a box, so that we can prescribe medication and make lots of money on them.
I have had all of the problems that you have, and I don't even think for a minute that if I had been diagnosed with that %26quot;disease%26quot;, that my life would be better now. (I'm 40)
These are tough things, and it takes time to sort them all out, but if you take the time, and put in the effort, it is very rewarding.
Yoga and meditation, helped me to change my life.
You do what you think is best for you. Medication, or meditation, the choice is yours.
All the best to you.
I think I might have Asperger's Syndrome?!?
well if you have it i do too because everything you just said describes me. I always just thought it was because i was kinda insecure and neurotic.
You could possibly have it, but i think you should go see your GP for a referral =)
I think you heard about Asperger's syndrome and because you are a hypochondriac you believe that you suffer from this alleged syndrome.
I don't think you have this syndrome.You are 15years old?.It doesn't matter if you still like your baby toys and blanket.I think you're very shy and very anxious.
Believe me i am shy too,and i feel uncomfortable when somebody stares at me and get blushed easily,and don't like to talk with many people but i was shyer than now.When i was 2or3 years old i didn't want to speak,i just sat down on the floor at the corners,my parents thought that i might have this syndrome too.But little by little i started to talk,untill 7years old i laid down with my baby bottle to drink my milk.I am so anxious that i constantly bite my nails!..
If you want you can go to a doctor,a psychologist,but don't take any remedies or do any treatment with drugs because i don't think you need it.Just relax,be yourself,i have been my whole life very shy,quite,unsociable and i know i am very different from the girls of my same age,but that is me.Don't worry,if you want to talk,e-mail me.
I highly doubt you have aspergers. I have experienced at least half of the things you described (fidgeting, bad motor skills, lack of facial expressions to name a few) and for the most part I was just shy. If you had aspergers there would probably have been signs when you were VERY young, and the signs that you had would have been much more severe than what you have been describing. I knew a kid with aspergers and his social skills were almost non-existent (he had many other odd behaviors as well, things that are as far from normal as possible), where in your case it sound like you are either shy and/or hyper sensitive. I really think you are a pretty normal person and you have nothing to worry about. If any of the things you described are interfering with your happiness or ability to function, then go see your GP but other than that I don't think you should worry :)