Throughout all of my years as a, lets say “normal” human being, I would have never expected my life to turn out like it has now. I wouldn’t have ever expected it to have so much action, adventure, pain, loss and also suffering. But I can’t change anything now, this is my life and I guess, I’m just going to have to live with it. This is the story of my action, adventure, pain, loss and suffering. This is the story of how I became immortal.
Chapter One
A New Beginning.
“Really dad, Britney Spears? I’m beginning to wonder if you really are a man!” I moaned as I stared blankly out of my side window, whilst watching all of the brightly colored cars flash by.
“Hey no rudeness!,” he replied shortly after, whilst quietly chuckling to himself. Harry Wilson aka my dad, is actually a pretty cool person. He doesn’t really shout or moan, he acts like a teenager a lot so he’s quite easy to talk too and lastly he always loves the quick laugh and joke. “Just remember, its my car, my stereo and last time I checked, I can listen to what ever I want,” and with that he quickly took his eyes off of the road and gave a smug little grin. Not wanting to carry on with the lame conversation, I quickly gave him a hard shoulder punch and started to look for my iPod. However it wasn’t until I could only find my cell phone, that I stared blankly out of the front window with my mouth wide open as I realized what I had forgotten. “Left it at your mom’s?” My dad asked, once again without taking his eyes off of the busy road up ahead.
“Yeah I must have,” I replied after sighing miserably. If my mom couldn’t find it and send it to our new address, then I would be even more then upset as that had been the last present she had given me before we had left. The only reason she had even brought me the small music playing device however was just because of the divorce.
It had actually all started with my father’s promotion. Working in a hospital in the Town of Saginaw County gained him a huge amount of respect and admiration. But when he was suddenly promoted to the chief of doctors, he was awarded with so much more. However a week or two after, my mom, Rachel Wilson, and I soon began to notice that he seemed to be coming home later and later in evenings and this began to really upset her. So another two weeks later they received the divorce papers and after a lot of grief, I found myself sitting in the front of my dad’s black Porsche. That was something that I did feel quite guilty about because when I had finally chosen to live with my dad. My mom had then chosen to immediately break down in tears.
“Forgotten your iPod?” My dad asked briefly asked as we came across a small turn on the motor way, which, by the looks of it, lead to a less crowded road.
“Yeah, I just hope that mom will be able to find it,” I replied as I looked out of the window to notice that we were now beginning to drive through a small quiet town.
“You’ve still got your phone haven’t you?” He asked again but this time, with a small bit of concern in his voice. Smiling at how worried he just became over a cell phone, I reached into my pocket and pulled out my new iPhone. Of course the only reason for his concern was because the iPhone had been the present from him. It had all been kind of funny I guess because when he had seen what my mom had brought me, he immediately left to buy me a phone. After checking that I did actually still have it, he gave a wide smile and gave me a small wink.
How is this for a small begining of a story?
Drop the entire preface and just tell the story. Why give away the ending?
How is this for a small begining of a story?
It is a good start. I would develop the father's character a little more. Add more detail
to what lead up to the break up of the parents marriage. How does the son feel? Is he mad at his father? Where there good times in this family's life? You could add flash back moments in the life of these people to show how they got to this place in time.