this is the beginning of my new book, check it out.
January is a time of renewal in the world inside of us and around us.
January was always hard for Fred though, he thought he cheated death and in a since he did. Fred felt like the heavens looked upun the world in January and counted one too many souls on earth.
People in South Carolina small towns like to gossip and talk. Rumors spread like wild fire throughout the rural counties. Fred moved to Faxville in the spring of 2003 and everyone in town had a reason why he relocated to Browns county. Old women said he was looking for a long lost love. Teenagers said he was running from the law. Young adults just thought he had had some tough luck in a bigger town and needed a second chance in a less complex world. Fred enjoyed the mystic that he possessed in Faxville and would occasionally ask his best friend Briana what was the latest reason why the stranger from Texas was in Faxville, South Carolina. Briana didn’t know why he was here either, and thought he would eventually tell her, after all they had known each other for two years now. Whenever she came around to ask him about the “reasons” Fred would always change the subject and talk about the latest Windows version or his favorite song. His favorite two subjects were computers and music. So, Briana being a true friend didn’t press the issue.
Friday at Tilex industries was always a good day for Fred. He knew he had cleared at least 6 hundred dollars this week and that the boss would be coming around with checks soon. Mr. Fairman’s working environment was never a threatening place to be. He always had an opportunity for his employees to make some more money or get some time off of work. In his mind the two incentitives balanced each other out. If one guy wanted some time off, another guy could work his shift and get some extra cash. Mr. Fairman was a brilliant buisnessman. “Fred don’t spend all of that celery in one place.” Said Mr. Fairman. “I wont, usually I spend it in three places, at my tenants office, the light bill company and oh yeah ford motors.” Fred jokingly replied. “I got an extra shift this Saturday, paying time and a half, if you want it let me know.” Said Mr. Fairman. “I cant do it this weekend sir, I’m supposed to be going up to Charlotte for an IT expo!” Frank exictingly replied. “You should get your degree in some of that fancy computer work, and come help me save some money, you already fix every computer we got around here, all you need to do is get about a hundred or so credits and I can change your title to IT consultant. How does that sound?” asked Mr. Fairman. “I don’t know sir, I
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Kind of boring. Needs some pop or action or something that would hook me in and make me care about this guy. Doesn't have any of that right now. Keep trying.
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Its alright, although kind of repititive with the %26quot;for fred%26quot;.