Wednesday 21 September 2011

Need car advise please?

I asked a question similar to this a few weeks ago but the circumstances have changed. I own a 2000 Grand Am Gt with 166,xxx miles on it. I've had it for about 2 years now and have done engine and body work like tinting the windows and installing all chrome halo headlights plus an all new starter, power steering pump and lining. it has new 6x9s and door speakers plus its wired for a system (it was wired for subs before i got it). the body is in great condition with no rust or fading of the paint. anyway I'm ready for a new car. My friend wanted to sell me his 1997 Mitsubishi Eclipse with 96,xxx miles for $800 because the motor is about to go out on it. I turned down that offer because i wouldn't be able to sell my car for all the work i would have to put into the eclipse. so he offered to buy an engine himself and have it installed then sell it to me for $1300. I just need some advise on how much i could sell my car for and if buying the eclipse is an ok idea.


Need car advise please?
If the Eclipse is in bad shape and not properly well taken care of, then just keep the AM. You can trust it because YOU have worked on it. If the Eclipse needs a new motor at 96K, it probably has been abused.

I like Eclipses a lot, but this one seems in bad shape.

Go with what your instincts tell you! :)
Need car advise please?
Where does this friend of yours think he's getting a rebuilt Mitsu engine and paying someone else to install it all for $500?

Personally I think you're nuts for wanting the Eclipse. Sure it's a decent looking car but it's older than yours and it hsan't been well cared for considering it needs a new motor.

Your Grand Am, while not a great car doesn't seem to have any issues that are serious enough to mention. The only thing that makes it less attractive than the Mitsu is the mileage and mileage is irrelevant if you take care of the car. Both cars are worth about the same money. I'd keep the one you have now.
Yea, keep the GA ,u will be better off in the long run...

How can i get over my depression and get my life on track?

Hi guys, this is my first question, and quite a long one, so please bare with me..

I'm 19 and live in the West Midlands. Im a normal lad, im into cars, music, general stuff. I live with my parents and 15 year old sister, in a decent area. I feel we are good people, i dont spend my weekends getting drunk in the street and fighting, my parents have supported and loved me my whole life which i am very grateful of..

From primary school i was deemed as a bright kid, i did well in classes despite getting in trouble quite alot. It was mostly the same in secondary school.. i was friends with the main group and boys and girls in my year group, and was in mostly top sets for my lessons. Again though, i found myself getting in trouble, being bullied by the rougher kids from local estates, despite socialising with the main 'clique' (alot of us were generally mischievous, but did well academically), but i was one of the few that had trouble with the rougher kids, this led to anxiety in my last 2 years, and badly affected my GCSE grades.. i think i got a C in maths, double C in science, but an E in english, and a double E in art %26amp; design (art is one of my main interests).

I got into college after school for a year and got a diploma in motor vehicle studies, i was working part time in a car shop and was riding a scooter (biggest interest is anything with an engine). When my second year came i had recently started driving, and had to give up college and get a full time job to pay for my car and insurance.

I worked in a small factory for about 18 months making upvc windows and conservatories, i benefited from this initially as i had money to spend on my car at 18/19 and could fund that hobby. after a while though and after some staff changes at work, it got worse.. my financial situation turned sour, i was constantly unhappy at work, working long hours for minimum wage, in a cold dirty and loud factory, doing rather menial work, with a constant worry of being made redundant due to the recession etc.

Over christmas i got my third car but my finances turned on their head, so ive had to sell my car(s), and subsequently didnt return to work in the new year, after falling into depression and suffering from panic attacks. I am now looking at applying for university courses, though because of my short-comings at school, i might need to take a year resitting my english gcse and doing an A level or 2, which i am fully willing to do if it means i can pursue a degree and push for the career ive always wanted.

I know alot of people are worse off than me, and everyone is feeling the effects on the economy, but i just feel that nothing ever goes right for me, everytime i get something, its taken away, i aim high only to be knocked back down, i believe, to an extent, in karma, and honestly try my best to be a good person, i hate fighting, bullying etc.. ive had some good friends, though they seem to come and go, apart from one good friend ive known since i was 4, who is in a similar situation as me..

But i just feel wasted, im thankful for the things i do have, a great family, a roof over my head, but i just feel wasted, like im letting life pass me by.. i know money doesnt buy happiness, but there's so much i want to do, so many things id like to own, that i know i cant without money, and it seems like a double-edged sword.. i can give up money to chase education in the hope of achieving something great at the end of it, or stay doing something i hate for money to try and make myself happy. I have a virtually non-existant social life, no relationships, shyness and anxiety stand in my way... when i think about what 'could have been', or what im missing out on, i just fall into depression. 2 or 3 weeks ago before i was due to return to work, i felt worse than i ever have in my life, the only reason i was suffering that job was to pay for my car(s), my hobby and passion, then they've been taken away and i've nothing worth working for.

I felt hollow inside and just lost all enthusiasm, i feel that i dont have it inside of me to keep trying only to be knocked back down, im not a strong enough person, i look at other people and what theyre doing, i just feel angry, like how people have had an easier ride, getting away with murder (metaphorically speaking) whilst i suffer the consequences of even minor slips-ups, and the people that are so happy with the simplest of things and enjoy their life regardless, it leaves me feeling almost jealous that i cant adopt their mindset.

I know im only 19 but the thought that ive wasted basically a third of my active life, when i honestly feel like i deserve so much more... ive never felt so low, i scared myself with some thoughts a few weeks ago, but i think im constantly going downhill...

I just needed to express how i feel so thank you for taking the time to read this, if you have any suggestions or similar experiences, they are appreciated..

Thanks, Chris.
How can i get over my depression and get my life on track?
Chris, one of the first things that comes to mind is that you seem to compare yourself to others quite a bit, and this is an easy way for us to put ourselves down, as there are people out there that will have more of something that we want. When you're down, the last thing that you need is more knocks, so a good decision to take would be to stop knocking or doing things that hurt yourself.

You're probably right that a higher education will give you better prospects for your future life - though there are no guarantees. As it is, you've been fortunate and had some experience of how things can be at the bottom, where semi or unskilled labour isn't valued as high as it could be, and job satisfaction can be low. At this point, at 19 years old, very little of your adult life has passed, so you have the potential to turn things around. Some of this is about you and some is about settling into a career path, potentially starting with education. The great thing is that we, and no-one else, can change ourselves.

Right now, it would be good to work on your emotional health, your self-confidence and self-esteem, amongst other attributes. Your GP is a good start, as there are many treatments available for depression, and if you can lift your general mood, it will make starting to plan a new course even easier. Your GP may refer you to a therapist, and that could be one avenue where you could work on your confidence and self-esteem. Otherwise there are many good self-help books out there. Getting all the support that you can is also likely to pay off, so that you don't keep bottled up feelings or negative beliefs etc, inside your head. I realise that you say that some friends have moved on, but it may be possible that some would be willing to resume contact, so that you'd have people to share time with, and potentially gain some support from. Partly, your life needs interaction with others, to keep things interesting, and you also need to add fun, to brighten things up.

A good book to read is 'Awaken the Giant Within' by Anthony (Tony) Robbins, which has many good techniques to stop negative thought and behavioural patterns, as well as inspiring action towards making a new life direction - I really recommend this.

Take one step and a day at a time, and don't overload yourself whilst you're re-establishing a good foundation for good mental health and happiness. See your GP, as depression is a health issue, and start to set yourself some achievable goals - small ones, step by step, so you're not overwhelmed. Get to improve your supportive social network, of family and people that you've known or meet. And stop being hard on yourself!

Message me if you'd like to chat, or get further ideas etc.

Hope this helps. Good luck! Rob
How can i get over my depression and get my life on track?
Without thinking about it too much, hard work and honest relationships make up the good feelings in life.
Too much to read.

Visit a therapist.
Hi Chris. There is basically just one point that I would like to make and that 19 years old, you have not wasted a third of your life. You have spent the last 19 years becoming the person you are now.

You have had a good childhood, with what sounds like plenty of love, nurturing and support.

You have spent your puberty going through the normal teenage scrapes ( I am not trivialising the fact that you were victimised and bullied and that you suffered for it), learning from them and I think, coming out a better person for them because although you have experienced the seedier side of human nature you did not succumb. You have retained your high personal standards and you did not follow the crowd which shows that you have strength of character.

You have spent the last 2/3 years spreading your wings and learning how to fly. You have learnt vital life lessons in that you now know that materialistically, things don't come that easy. There are those privileged few who just seem to attract wealth and good fortune but don't envy them, they all have their problems and insecurities. You have had money and spent it, possibly got into debt because you underestimated it but now you know the true value of money and from your experiences you have hopefully learnt to manage money better in future.

You are at a stage now, where you have to reevaluate your life, change your focus a little (or maybe a lot) and decide where you really want to go from here. The problem is that you are stuck in this introspective mode and only focusing on the negative stuff that has happened. Stop looking at other people and start looking at yourself. You say that you are not a strong person and can't handle the knocks. You are wrong, do you really think that those people that you see getting on have never had knocks. I assure you that they have, it is how they handle them and learn lessons from and use them that make them who they are, only you don't see that bit when you are envying them for what they have. You can be as strong as they are, introspection and self pity are very bad companions and are holding you back. You are far stronger than you think and you have more going for you than you think. Turn the negatives around, they can all become positives if you view them from a different angle.

Try and decide where you really want to go now that you know that money does not buy happiness. What would you like to do, something that would ffulfilyour inner self. Something that would let you go home after a day's work with the warm glow of satisfaction, pride and dare I say, happiness. The higher paid jobs don't necessarily offer this, think about compromising your materialism for satisfaction.

You are that strong person you envy, flex those muscles and get on with it.

You have riches now that are worth more than money, recognise them.

You have standards that will guide you through the rest of your life, follow them.

You have 19 years of good and bad experiences behind you, value them because they are worth more then any lottery win.

You have the opportunity to turn your life around, reevaluate, refocus, reenergise and go for it.

I sincerely wish you well and my thoughts will be with you. Good luck

PS. As far as your friends are concerned, they do come and go. Peoples lives go in different directions, converge with yours for a while and move on, thats life. Treasure them for the time that they are with you.

Hey. Your situation is not unique, not matter where you live. Intelligent, thoughtful, talented people get crapped on every day, to make room for jerkoffs like the guy that first answered your question. Stupid, soul-less people are jealous of your intellect and ability, and make themselves feel better by putting you down. There are two clear choices for you: 1. Keep being a good person, working hard, and living right; 2. If you can't beat em, join em. Just become a selfish, mindless prick like everyone else. I would recommend choice one, but it's a tough road to follow. I'm 35 years old. I was once a promising scholar, athlete, and musician, but let all the naysayers get to me. Don't let it happen to you. Good luck.
Interesting Story. It is as if you were narrating my young life. Don't give up. If I can do it anybody can. Follow the source, if you are interested.

Survey: Will agreeing with all of these....?

%26quot;Man Rules%26quot;- get me a valentine?

They are pretty true!

1. Men are NOT mind readers.

1. Learn to work the toilet seat.

You're a big girl. If it's up, put it down..

We need it up, you need it down.

You don't hear us complaining about you leaving it down.

1. Sunday sports It's like the full moon

or the changing of the tides.

Let it be.

1. Crying is blackmail.

1. Ask for what you want.

Let us be clear on this one:

Subtle hints do not work!

Strong hints do not work!

Obvious hints do not work!

Just say it!

1. Yes and No are perfectly acceptable answers to almost every question.

1. Come to us with a problem only if you want help solving it. That's what we do.

Sympathy is what your girlfriends are for.

1. Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument.

In fact, all comments become null and void after 7 Days.

1. If you think you're fat, you probably are.

Don't ask us.

1. If something we said can be interpreted two ways and one of the ways makes you sad or angry, we meant the other one

1. You can either ask us to do something

or tell us how you want it done.

Not both.

If you already know best how to do it, just do it yourself.

1. Whenever possible, Please say whatever you have to say during commercials.

1. Christopher Columbus did NOT need directions and neither do we.

1. ALL men see in only 16 colors, like Windows default settings.

Peach, for example, is a fruit, not A color. Pumpkin is also a fruit. We have no idea what mauve is.

1. If it itches, it will be scratched..

We do that.

1. If we ask what is wrong and you say 'nothing,' We will act like nothing's wrong.

We know you are lying, but it is just not worth the hassle.

1. If you ask a question you don't want an answer to, Expect an answer you don't want to hear.

1. When we have to go somewhere, absolutely anything you wear is fine... Really.

1. Don't ask us what we're thinking about unless you are prepared to discuss such topics as baseball or motor sports.%26lt; /P%26gt;

1. You have enough clothes.

1. You have too many shoes.

1. I am in shape. Round IS a shape!
Survey: Will agreeing with all of these....?
1. Men are NOT mind readers....true...but the should learn to read the signs

1. Learn to work the toilet seat.

You're a big girl. If it's up, put it down..

We need it up, you need it down.

You don't hear us complaining about you leaving it down......FUUUUC THAT

1. Sunday sports It's like the full moon

or the changing of the tides.

Let it be....ok fine...gimme 50 bucks and i'll go shopping fopr the day


1. Crying is blackmail....whatever

1. Ask for what you want.

Let us be clear on this one:

Subtle hints do not work!

Strong hints do not work!

Obvious hints do not work!

Just say it! there

1. Yes and No are perfectly acceptable answers to almost every question....they might be acceptable...but sometimes they dont work

1. Come to us with a problem only if you want help solving it. That's what we do.

Sympathy is what your girlfriends are for....LoL...ok douche bag

1. Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument.

In fact, all comments become null and void after 7 so..but not with me

1. If you think you're fat, you probably are.

Don't ask us....i always ask if i look fat...hmmm...maybe i am

1. If something we said can be interpreted two ways and one of the ways makes you sad or angry, we meant the other one......LoL...yea..ok

1. You can either ask us to do something

or tell us how you want it done.

Not both.

If you already know best how to do it, just do it yourself......maybe i dont wanna do it

1. Whenever possible, Please say whatever you have to say during commercials....ok...fair enough

1. Christopher Columbus did NOT need directions and neither do we....lets not get me started on ol columbus

1. ALL men see in only 16 colors, like Windows default settings.

Peach, for example, is a fruit, not A color. Pumpkin is also a fruit. We have no idea what mauve is....ok..i can respect that

1. If it itches, it will be scratched..

We do too

1. If we ask what is wrong and you say 'nothing,' We will act like nothing's wrong.

We know you are lying, but it is just not worth the hassle.....fine will get u nowhere in the end

1. If you ask a question you don't want an answer to, Expect an answer you don't want to hear.....i can dig that

1. When we have to go somewhere, absolutely anything you wear is fine... Really....NO ITS NOT!!!

1. Don't ask us what we're thinking about unless you are prepared to discuss such topics as baseball or motor sports.%26lt; /P%26gt;

1. You have enough clothes.....never that

1. You have too many so maybe i do...not gonna stop me from gettin MORE!

1. I am in shape. Round IS a shape!....ummm...sure it is

come for a run with me though...u dont want my azz all round
Survey: Will agreeing with all of these....?
I think those are actually the rules to happy relationship rather than to just a valentine
sounds like the perfect wifie
LOL! Ya gotta love em!

Did it just get warm in here?
aw hell Pattie you don't have to do that, I'll be your valentine and let you set the rules.
lol you give them hell
columbus was the worst of the lot! he was trying to find india.

ew. don't even get me started on columbus.

Are you ready to hear the "Man Rules" thus you will learn how we feel. LOL?

%26gt; The Man Rules

%26gt; At last a guy has taken the time to write this all down


%26gt; Finally , the guys' side of the story.

%26gt; ( I must admit, it's pretty good.)

%26gt; We always hear ' the rules '

%26gt; From the female side.


%26gt; Now here are the rules from the male side.



%26gt; These are our rules!

%26gt; Please note.. these are all numbered '1 '

%26gt; ON PURPOSE!


%26gt; 1. Men are NOT mind readers.


%26gt; 1. Learn to work the toilet seat.

%26gt; You're a big girl. If it's up, put it down.

%26gt; We need it up, you need it down.

%26gt; You don't hear us complaining about you leaving it down.


%26gt; 1. Sunday sports It's like the full moon or the changing of the tides.

%26gt; Let it be.


%26gt; 1. Crying is blackmail.


%26gt; 1. Ask for what you want.

%26gt; Let us be clear on this one:

%26gt; Subtle hints do not work!

%26gt; Strong hints do not work!

%26gt; Obvious hints do not work!

%26gt; Just say it!


%26gt; 1. Yes and No are perfectly acceptable answers to almost every question.


%26gt; 1. Come to us with a problem only if you want help solving it. That's what we do.

%26gt; Sympathy is what your girlfriends are for.



%26gt; 1. Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument.

%26gt; In fact, all comments become Null and void after 7 Days.



%26gt; 1. If you think you're fat, you probably are.

%26gt; Don't ask us.


%26gt; 1. If something we said can be interpreted two ways and one of the ways makes you sad or angry, we meant the other one


%26gt; 1. You can either ask us to do something Or tell us how you want it done.

%26gt; Not both.

%26gt; If you already know best how to do it, just do it yourself.


%26gt; 1. Whenever possible, Please say whatever you have to say during commercials..


%26gt; 1. Christopher Columbus did NOT need directions and neither do we.


%26gt; 1. ALL men see in only 16 colors, like Windows default settings.

%26gt; Peach, for example, is a fruit, not A color. Pumpkin is also a fruit. We have no idea what mauve is.


%26gt; 1. If it itches, it will be scratched.

%26gt; We do that.


%26gt; 1. If we ask what is wrong and you say 'nothing,' We will act like nothing's wrong.

%26gt; We know you are lying, but it is just not worth the hassle.


%26gt; 1. If you ask a question you don't want an answer to, Expect an answer you don't want to hear.


%26gt; 1. When we have to go somewhere, absolutely anything you wear is fine... Really .


%26gt; 1. Don't ask us what we're thinking about unless you are prepared to discuss such topics as baseball or


%26gt; motor sports



%26gt; 1. You have enough clothes.


%26gt; 1. You have too many shoes.


%26gt; 1. I am in shape. Round IS a shape!


%26gt; 1. Thank you for reading this.

%26gt; Yes, I know, I have to sleep on the couch tonight;



%26gt; But did you know men really don't mind that? It's like camping.

Are you ready to hear the %26quot;Man Rules%26quot; thus you will learn how we feel. LOL?
(Killing myself laughing!!!!)

I am only half way down on that list - gotta go back and pick up where I left off!

Bless your heart!

Peace (and tons of laugher, falling on the floor....)

Are you ready to hear the %26quot;Man Rules%26quot; thus you will learn how we feel. LOL?
yeah crying is blackmail lol

You for president!Unless they don't listen than its your fault.
My favorite: I am in shape. Round is a shape! ROFL! thanks and a * 4 u!
Forgot to sleep with one open and one foot on the bed and one on the grround.
%26gt; 1. Learn to work the toilet seat.

%26gt; You're a big girl. If it's up, put it down.

%26gt; We need it up, you need it down.

%26gt; You don't hear us complaining about you leaving it down.



Love it! Even gonna * it
I am in shape. Round IS a shape!

Copied from a T-shirt, rest was good but no star from copying.
Excellent and true...I guess i have alot of male genes..because I agree with most of this stuff....from a woman!! Why waste time on all the B********!


How Much Is My Accord Worth?

I have a 1991 Honda Accord Ex fully loaded with tan leather, sunroof, power windows %26amp; locks. I have a 2 year old paint job, %26amp; new tires. But the main reason I got this car is because it has a new motor with only 500 miles. I can easily sell this car, but the only thing stopping me is that on day it stalled %26amp; cut off. It鈥檚 been in the driveway ever since. I dont know the problem I changed almost everything that it could be like the main relay, distributor, spark plugs %26amp; wires. The only problem left is the timing. Anyway I just don鈥檛 have the time to deal with it, so I just wonted to know how much I can get off this car as is? %26amp; if anyone is interested please contact me ASAP.
How Much Is My Accord Worth?
Normally a older honda accord like yours will go for about 6500 dollars. But a car dealer could get away with selling it for almost 9000 if he plays his cards right. If your looking into selling it try it at about 7500. If it doesnt sell, lower the price. But don't go below 6500.
How Much Is My Accord Worth?

PS: don't advertise on here, that's tacky
  • msdn
  • make a white substance foamy
  • Married men, what do you think of this?

    Sorry I have no link, but this was typed down on a text document in my desk top.

    Here it is below.

    At last a guy has taken the time to write this all down.

    Finally, the guys' side of the story (I must admit, it's pretty good).

    We always hear 'the rules' from the female side ..

    Now here are the rules from the male side.

    These are our rules!

    Please note.. these are all numbered %26quot;1%26quot; ON PURPOSE!

    1. Men are NOT mind readers.

    1. Learn to work the toilet seat.

    You're a big girl. If it's up, put it down.

    We need it up, you need it down.

    You don't hear us complaining about you leaving it down.

    1. Sunday is for Sports!

    It's like the full moon or the changing of the tides. Let it be.

    1. Crying is blackmail.

    1. Ask for what you want.

    Let us be clear on this one:

    Subtle hints do not work!

    Strong hints do not work!

    Obvious hints do not work!

    Just say it!

    1. Yes and No are perfectly acceptable answers to almost every question.

    1. Come to us with a problem only if you want help solving it. That's what we do.

    Sympathy is what your girlfriends are for.

    1. Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument.

    In fact, all comments become Null and Void after 7 Days.

    1. If you think you're fat, you probably are.

    Don't ask us.

    1. If something we said can be interpreted two ways and one of the ways makes you sad or angry, we meant the other one

    1. You can either ask us to do something OR tell us how you want it done.

    Not both.

    If you already know best how to do it, just do it yourself.

    1. Whenever possible, PLEASE say whatever you have to say during commercials.

    1. Christopher Columbus did NOT need directions and neither do we.

    1. ALL men see in only 16 colors, like Windows default settings.

    Peach, for example, is a fruit, not A color.

    Pumpkin is also a fruit.

    We have no idea what mauve is.

    1. If it itches, it will be scratched..

    We do that.

    1. If we ask what is wrong and you say %26quot;nothing%26quot;, we will act like nothing's wrong.

    We know you are lying, but it is just not worth the hassle.

    1. If you ask a question you don't want an answer to, expect an answer you don't want to hear.

    1. When we have to go somewhere, absolutely anything you wear is fine... REALLY!

    1. Don't ask us what we're thinking about unless you are prepared to discuss such topics as football or motor sports.

    1. You have enough clothes.

    1. You have too many shoes.

    1. I am in shape. Round IS a shape!

    Thank you for reading this.

    Yes, I know, I have to sleep on the couch tonight;

    But did you know men really don't mind that? It's like camping.

    Pass this to as many men as you can - to give them a laugh!

    Pass this to as many women as you can - to give them an even bigger laugh

    ALSO! Do not say wrong section, this section was actually on the suggestions list.
    Married men, what do you think of this?
    kind of harsh about the fat thing...
    Married men, what do you think of this?
    I don't care what the list said, this is NOT a religion question.
    My favorite is 1.
    Amen Brother :)
    Not in the right section, but that is true about the toilet seat situation and the hints thing.
    My husband got a few good laughs!


    Now I don't have to put out for at least 2 weeks!
    I got this in a forwarded email 10 years ago.
    I don't know why you would want to pass this around. it sure makes men look mean and stupid.
    I also got this in a forwarded email years ago.

    It's pretty good except I learned from my Mom that you close the lid when you flush. Because sh!t particles fly around otherwise. And, to close the lid you have to put the seat down. LOL!
    For people who think this is not religious I will correct that by ending it with %26quot;AMEN%26quot;

    Men and women, how do you feel about this...?

    At last a guy has taken the time to write this all down.

    Finally, the guys' side of the story (I must admit, it's pretty good).

    We always hear 'the rules' from the female side ..

    Now here are the rules from the male side.

    These are our rules!

    Please note.. these are all numbered %26quot;1%26quot; ON PURPOSE!

    1. Men are NOT mind readers.

    1. Learn to work the toilet seat.

    You're a big girl. If it's up, put it down.

    We need it up, you need it down.

    You don't hear us complaining about you leaving it down.

    1. Sunday is for Sports!

    It's like the full moon or the changing of the tides. Let it be.

    1. Crying is blackmail.

    1. Ask for what you want.

    Let us be clear on this one:

    Subtle hints do not work!

    Strong hints do not work!

    Obvious hints do not work!

    Just say it!

    1. Yes and No are perfectly acceptable answers to almost every question.

    1. Come to us with a problem only if you want help solving it. That's what we do.

    Sympathy is what your girlfriends are for.

    1. Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument.

    In fact, all comments become Null and Void after 7 Days.

    1. If something we said can be interpreted two ways and one of the ways makes you sad or angry, we meant the other one

    1. You can either ask us to do something OR tell us how you want it done.

    Not both.

    If you already know best how to do it, just do it yourself.

    1. Whenever possible, PLEASE say whatever you have to say during commercials.

    1. Christopher Columbus did NOT need directions and neither do we.

    1. ALL men see in only 16 colors, like Windows default settings.

    Peach, for example, is a fruit, not A color.

    Pumpkin is also a fruit.

    We have no idea what mauve is.

    1. If it itches, it will be scratched..

    We do that.

    1. If we ask what is wrong and you say %26quot;nothing%26quot;, we will act like nothing's wrong.

    We know you are lying, but it is just not worth the hassle.

    1. If you ask a question you don't want an answer to, expect an answer you don't want to hear.

    1. When we have to go somewhere, absolutely anything you wear is fine... REALLY!

    1. Don't ask us what we're thinking about unless you are prepared to discuss such topics as football or motor sports.

    1. You have enough clothes.

    1. You have too many shoes.

    1. I am in shape. Round IS a shape!

    Thank you for reading this.

    Yes, I know, I have to sleep on the couch tonight;

    But did you know men really don't mind that? It's like camping.

    Pass this to as many men as you can - to give them a laugh!

    Pass this to as many women as you can - to give them an even bigger laugh
    Men and women, how do you feel about this...?
    this is halarious. printing and putting it on a wall as we speak :P
    Men and women, how do you feel about this...?
    good one.
    I like this. Especailly the one about the toilet seat.

    What is the funniest email you received....What was it?

    Here is a funny one i got:

    The Man Rules

    At last a guy has taken the time to write this all down

    Finally , the guys' side of the story.

    ( I must admit, it's pretty good.)

    We always hear the rules

    From the female side.

    Now here are the rules from the male side.

    These are our rules!

    Please note... these are all numbered '1'


    1. Men are NOT mind readers.

    1. Learn to work the toilet seat.

    You're a big girl. If it's up, put it down.

    We need it up, you need it down.

    You don't hear us complaining about you leaving it down.

    1. Sunday sports It's like the full moon

    or the changing of the tides.

    Let it be.

    1. Crying is blackmail.

    1. Ask for what you want.

    Let us be clear on this one:

    Subtle hints do not work!

    Strong hints do not work!

    Obvious hints do not work!

    Just say it!

    1. Yes and No are perfectly acceptable answers to almost every question.

    1. Come to us with a problem only if you want help solving it. That's what we do.

    Sympathy is what your girlfriends are for.

    1. Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument.

    In fact, all comments become Null and void after 7 Days.

    1. If you think you're fat, you probably are.

    Don't ask us


    1. If something we said can be interpreted two ways and one of the ways makes you sad or angry, we meant the other one

    1. You can either ask us to do something Or tell us how you want it done Not both. If you already know best how to do it, just do it yourself.

    1. Whenever possible, Please say whatever you have to say during commercials...

    1. Christopher Columbus did NOT need directions and neither do we.

    1. ALL men see in only 16 colors, like Windows default settings.

    Peach, for example, is a fruit, not A color. Pumpkin is also a fruit. We have no idea what mauve is.

    1. If it itches, it will be scratched. We do that

    1. If we ask what is wrong and you say 'nothing,' We will act like nothing's wrong. We know you are lying, but it is just not worth the hassle.

    1. If you ask a question you don't want an answer to, Expect an answer you don't want to hear.

    1. When we have to go somewhere, absolutely anything you wear is fine... Really .

    1. Don't ask us what we're thinking about unless you are prepared to discuss such topics as baseball or motor sports

    1. You have enough clothes.

    1. You have too many shoes.

    1. I am in shape. Round IS a shape!

    1. Thank you for reading this. Yes, I know, I have to sleep on the couch tonight; But did you know men really don't mind that? It's like camping.

    Pass this to as many men as you can to give them a laugh.

    Pass this to as many women as you can to give them a bigger laugh.
    What is the funniest email you received....What was it?
    no matter what anyone else said-that was really funny.

    and i don't remember the funniest e-mail though...
    What is the funniest email you received....What was it?
    More like the longest email

    Check your mail!

    ooo I got that mail before lmaooo ahaha. But other mails are funnier the random ones that go like this OMG OMG I'M GOING TO DIE TOMORROW I HAD A VISION OMG HELP ME!! those types are funny loool.

    EDIT: What kind of joke is this? I don't care though =) lalala
    Women are still superior to men no matter what that silly list says,
    i didn't read i did receive pictures of dead bodies during the gaza war period.


    sick man i tell ya !

    If my husband ever thought like that, all I have to do is smack him on the head to get it straight.
    LOL yay! NOUB finally block me!
    Woman has Man in it;

    Mrs. has Mr . in it;

    Female has Male in it;

    She has He in it;

    Madam has Adam in it;

    Ever notice how all of women's problems start with MEN ?

    MEN strual cramps

    MEN tal breakdown

    MEN opause

    GUY necologist

    AND ..

    When we have REAL trouble, it's a

    HIS terectomy .

    Send this to all the women you know to brighten their day.

    Send this to all the men just to annoy them ......
    I recieved an email a while ago called 'why women need catalogues' its a video and its hilarious. I'll email you it if you want :-)

    Do you think this is funny? I Do! let me know, thanks?

    %26gt; The Man Rules

    %26gt; At last a guy has taken the time to write this all down


    %26gt; Finally , the guys' side of the story.

    %26gt; ( I must admit, it's pretty good.)

    %26gt; We always hear ' the rules '

    %26gt; From the female side.


    %26gt; Now here are the rules from the male side.



    %26gt; These are our rules!

    %26gt; Please note.. these are all numbered '1 '

    %26gt; ON PURPOSE!


    %26gt; 1. Men are NOT mind readers.


    %26gt; 1. Learn to work the toilet seat.

    %26gt; You're a big girl. If it's up, put it down.

    %26gt; We need it up, you need it down.

    %26gt; You don't hear us complaining about you leaving it down.


    %26gt; 1. Sunday sports It's like the full moon or the changing of the tides.

    %26gt; Let it be.


    %26gt; 1. Crying is blackmail.


    %26gt; 1. Ask for what you want.

    %26gt; Let us be clear on this one:

    %26gt; Subtle hints do not work!

    %26gt; Strong hints do not work!

    %26gt; Obvious hints do not work!

    %26gt; Just say it!


    %26gt; 1. Yes and No are perfectly acceptable answers to almost every question.


    %26gt; 1. Come to us with a problem only if you want help solving it. That's what we do.

    %26gt; Sympathy is what your girlfriends are for.



    %26gt; 1. Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument.

    %26gt; In fact, all comments become Null and void after 7 Days.



    %26gt; 1. If you think you're fat, you probably are.

    %26gt; Don't ask us.


    %26gt; 1. If something we said can be interpreted two ways and one of the ways makes you sad or angry, we meant the other one


    %26gt; 1. You can either ask us to do something Or tell us how you want it done.

    %26gt; Not both.

    %26gt; If you already know best how to do it, just do it yourself.


    %26gt; 1. Whenever possible, Please say whatever you have to say during commercials..


    %26gt; 1. Christopher Columbus did NOT need directions and neither do we.


    %26gt; 1. ALL men see in only 16 colors, like Windows default settings.

    %26gt; Peach, for example, is a fruit, not A color. Pumpkin is also a fruit. We have no idea what mauve is.


    %26gt; 1. If it itches, it will be scratched.

    %26gt; We do that.


    %26gt; 1. If we ask what is wrong and you say 'nothing,' We will act like nothing's wrong.

    %26gt; We know you are lying, but it is just not worth the hassle.


    %26gt; 1. If you ask a question you don't want an answer to, Expect an answer you don't want to hear.


    %26gt; 1. When we have to go somewhere, absolutely anything you wear is fine... Really .


    %26gt; 1. Don't ask us what we're thinking about unless you are prepared to discuss such topics as baseball or


    %26gt; motor sports



    %26gt; 1. You have enough clothes.


    %26gt; 1. You have too many shoes.


    %26gt; 1. I am in shape. Round IS a shape!


    %26gt; 1. Thank you for reading this.

    %26gt; Yes, I know, I have to sleep on the couch tonight;



    %26gt; But did you know men really don't mind that? It's like camping.


    Do you think this is funny? I Do! let me know, thanks?
    LOL it is funny,At first i didnt think so but as u keep reading it is funny,Im a girl so i do go through all that now im just used to it but i still get angry with the toilet situation lol!
    Do you think this is funny? I Do! let me know, thanks?
    no, i dont think it's funny. i think some of it is actually quite fair while some of it is just... lame.

    but, i did enjoy reading it
    Yea, but not funny as in hilarious.
    not funny, dont even try
    Do you really wanna know????????????????????????????????????鈥?am menopausal so don't even go there my rules rule OK OK OK Only joking have a good day and I didn't laugh sorry you will have to get a guys point of view so I suppose half the population will like it. Sandy.
    * cute *

    Nice but not funny!
    i agree, man. atleast now we have our rules
    im especially fond of number one.. this pretty much says it all
    nthng much
    i think it is funny

    I had two cars stolen and money stolen. Building up rage.?

    In 1986 my chev. camaro was broken into and my speakers and stereo was stolen, my gas

    siphoned, my spark plug wires pulled out, my louvers on my back window taken, and my car

    window was smashed...Cost me money to replace items stolen.

    1998 MY buick regal(piece of junk) was stolen twice. The mexicans in arizona loved that car

    for parts. It was worth $500 at the time. One day I walked outside and it was gone and

    recovered by police. Then i changed the locks. 6 months later it was stolen again. Never found

    this time. Since I had no car I ended up leasing a brand new 1998 honda civic(at the time) and I

    ended up drinking alot because of my job and got a DUI which raised my insurance costs way

    up on on a leased car. I was really getting screwed now. After I finished the car lease 5 years

    later I ended up buying the car because i knew how it was driven. I bought it for 6k..good

    deal...but all-in-all the car ended up costing me 25k in the end.

    In 2006 the honda civic that I leased (and later purchased) was stolen from my place of

    employment. I walked outside after work and my car was gone. I was devastated because the

    car was worth 5k. It had 80k miles on it and I loved that car. I didnt have full coverage on the

    car since I coudlnt afford it and it was 8 years old. I then sent money on ebay motors

    (paypal)for a car($2500).....the seller ends up taking off with my money. Fraud. Paypal wont

    back me nor will ebay. I lose the money due to fraud on ebay. I feel like going into a RAGE!!!!

    I want to hide in the bushes with a saw-off shotgun and watch a thief steal a car so i can blast

    him!!! I want to douse a thief with gasoline and tie him to a tree and set him on fire to watch him

    burn!!! I work so hard for my money and theives just come along and take it???---its hard to

    comprehend. I took huge losses due to thieves. The pain im feeling and experiencing is so

    strong. has anyone had anything of large monetary value stolen from them? Does anyone feel

    this rage about criminals? Why arent there tougher laws to prevent this?
    I had two cars stolen and money stolen. Building up rage.?
    Maybe you should consider investing some money into a good two way alarm next time you get a car.

    Also... you were trying to buy a car over the internet? You didn't even go there to see and test drive the car?

    Sounds like you are kinda throwing away your money. I've had three of my vehicle broken into and had the stereo's stolen. All you can do is learn from your mistakes... and prevent it from happening again.
    I had two cars stolen and money stolen. Building up rage.?
    I have to say you really had some bad luck in the last few years. It's good you have a rage because if you didn't you probably couldn't handle this much bad luck.
    Ha ha...April fool
  • how to break up with a girl
  • teens junk food
  • How much can my 1973 mustang grande could be sold for?

    it has some rust on the lower parts of the body like the bottom of the doors, side panels, and quarter panels. it also has a vinyl top that has rusted from underneath. also one of the floor pans is rusted thru as well as the trunk floor. it needs a new roof but the interior isnt so bad. it has no inner leather door panels but the interior isnt so bad. it has the original motor with 158000 miles and i havent changed anything on it but the solenoid and the battery. everything works but the ignition sticks. everything is basically original. the hood has a little bit of rust too but very small. no leaks and the windows roll up fine. i just dont have time to fix it and need to sell it. i bought it for around $2000. give me an estimate of what you think its worth. all numbers match. all original
    How much can my 1973 mustang grande could be sold for?
    You did not mention what is the engine.

    I had got a 1973 Mustang with the 250 cid 6 cyl for around $1200 for my Son as a project car when he turned 18, but it had a broken grill and some bodywork problems that had been bondoed or brazed and then rust coming up under the bondo, and apparently the rear window leaked like a sieve and the floor under the back seat was all rusted out.

    After a series of mechanical problems we ended up just giving it to charity after rebuilding the brakes, engine and transmission and still not ending up with reliable transportation. It was about $1200 to acquire and about $1200 per year maintenance expenses.

    Anyway, the value is largely influenced by options, particularly what sort of engine/transmission combo you have there. It might still be worth around $2K or so.

    How much can my 1973 mustang grande could be sold for?

    it has some rust on the lower parts of the body like the bottom of the doors, side panels, and quarter panels. it also has a vinyl top that has rusted from underneath. also one of the floor pans is rusted thru as well as the trunk floor. it needs a new roof but the interior isnt so bad. it has no inner leather door panels but the interior isnt so bad. it has the original motor with 158000 miles and i havent changed anything on it but the solenoid and the battery. everything works but the ignition sticks. everything is basically original. the hood has a little bit of rust too but very small. no leaks and the windows roll up fine. i just dont have time to fix it and need to sell it. i bought it for around $2000. give me an estimate of what you think its worth. all numbers match. all original
    How much can my 1973 mustang grande could be sold for?
    Sorry to say, the 73 Grande with the 302 isn't exactly on the must-have list of most collectors, especially if it needs the kind of resto you describe. Personally, I wouldn't go more than 1000 (if the motor checked out okay), but you might find someone with a sentimental attachment to that model. Good luck

    Do you like this?

    this is the beginning of my book, check it out.

    January is a time of renewal in the world inside of us and around us.

    January was always hard for Fred though, he thought he cheated death and in a since he did. Fred felt like the heavens looked upun the world in January and counted one too many souls on earth.

    People in South Carolina small towns like to gossip and talk. Rumors spread like wild fire throughout the rural counties. Fred moved to Faxville in the spring of 2003 and everyone in town had a reason why he relocated to Browns county. Old women said he was looking for a long lost love. Teenagers said he was running from the law. Young adults just thought he had had some tough luck in a bigger town and needed a second chance in a less complex world. Fred enjoyed the mystic that he possessed in Faxville and would occasionally ask his best friend Briana what was the latest reason why the stranger from Texas was in Faxville, South Carolina. Briana didn’t know why he was here either, and thought he would eventually tell her, after all they had known each other for two years now. Whenever she came around to ask him about the “reasons” Fred would always change the subject and talk about the latest Windows version or his favorite song. His favorite two subjects were computers and music. So, Briana being a true friend didn’t press the issue.

    Friday at Tilex industries was always a good day for Fred. He knew he had cleared at least 6 hundred dollars this week and that the boss would be coming around with checks soon. Mr. Fairman’s working environment was never a threatening place to be. He always had an opportunity for his employees to make some more money or get some time off of work. In his mind the two incentitives balanced each other out. If one guy wanted some time off, another guy could work his shift and get some extra cash. Mr. Fairman was a brilliant buisnessman. “Fred don’t spend all of that celery in one place.” Said Mr. Fairman. “I wont, usually I spend it in three places, at my tenants office, the light bill company and oh yeah ford motors.” Fred jokingly replied. “I got an extra shift this Saturday, paying time and a half, if you want it let me know.” Said Mr. Fairman. “I cant do it this weekend sir, I’m supposed to be going up to Charlotte for an IT expo!” Frank exictingly replied. “You should get your degree in some of that fancy computer work, and come help me save some money, you already fix every computer we got around here, all you need to do is get about a hundred or so credits and I can change your title to IT consultant. How does that sound?” asked Mr. Fairman. “I don’t know sir, I
    Do you like this?
    Must be a bedtime story.
    Do you like this?
    It started off well enough. I suggest spell check. (upon, SENSE not since)

    The story got really bad when our main character replies, “I wont, usually I spend it in three places, at my tenants office, the light bill company and oh yeah ford motors.” Fred jokingly replied.

    I now no longer care about him at this point.

    The ending sounded hopeful though, but by then, I don't care because he doesn't even tell Briana where he's from or about his past.

    Actually, mystery and mystic is cool, but his reply earlier just makes him boring.

    Please keep writing though !!!!!!

    I enjoyed the creative break!!!
    Sounds really good. I'd buy it! It's got an aire of mystery.
    and in a since he did...

    You mean sense, not since.

    Since \Since\, prep. From the time of; in or during the time subsequent to; subsequently to; after; -- usually with a past event or time for the object. Example, %26quot;We have been doing it that way SINCE 1956.%26quot;

    sense (n.) Any of the faculties by which stimuli from outside or inside the body are received and felt, as the faculties of hearing, sight, smell, touch, taste, and equilibrium.

    sense (v.) To become aware of; perceive.

    %26quot;It was a dark and stormy night...%26quot;
    I'm sorry, I don't speak English.

    Do you like this?

    this is the beinning of my book, check it out.

    January is a time of renewal in the world inside of us and around us.

    January was always hard for Fred though, he thought he cheated death and in a since he did. Fred felt like the heavens looked upun the world in January and counted one too many souls on earth.

    People in South Carolina small towns like to gossip and talk. Rumors spread like wild fire throughout the rural counties. Fred moved to Faxville in the spring of 2003 and everyone in town had a reason why he relocated to Browns county. Old women said he was looking for a long lost love. Teenagers said he was running from the law. Young adults just thought he had had some tough luck in a bigger town and needed a second chance in a less complex world. Fred enjoyed the mystic that he possessed in Faxville and would occasionally ask his best friend Briana what was the latest reason why the stranger from Texas was in Faxville, South Carolina. Briana didn’t know why he was here either, and thought he would eventually tell her, after all they had known each other for two years now. Whenever she came around to ask him about the “reasons” Fred would always change the subject and talk about the latest Windows version or his favorite song. His favorite two subjects were computers and music. So, Briana being a true friend didn’t press the issue.

    Friday at Tilex industries was always a good day for Fred. He knew he had cleared at least 6 hundred dollars this week and that the boss would be coming around with checks soon. Mr. Fairman’s working environment was never a threatening place to be. He always had an opportunity for his employees to make some more money or get some time off of work. In his mind the two incentitives balanced each other out. If one guy wanted some time off, another guy could work his shift and get some extra cash. Mr. Fairman was a brilliant buisnessman. “Fred don’t spend all of that celery in one place.” Said Mr. Fairman. “I wont, usually I spend it in three places, at my tenants office, the light bill company and oh yeah ford motors.” Fred jokingly replied. “I got an extra shift this Saturday, paying time and a half, if you want it let me know.” Said Mr. Fairman. “I cant do it this weekend sir, I’m supposed to be going up to Charlotte for an IT expo!” Frank exictingly replied. “You should get your degree in some of that fancy computer work, and come help me save some money, you already fix every computer we got around here, all you need to do is get about a hundred or so credits and I can change your title to IT consultant. How does that sound?” asked Mr. Fairman. “I don’t know sir, I
    Do you like this?
    I liked it!!! What is your book going to be about???

    Are people really that dumb?

    Actual call centre conversations

    Customer: %26quot;I've been ringing 0700 2300 for two days and can't get through to enquiries, can you help?”

    Operator: %26quot;Where did you get that number from, sir?”

    Customer: %26quot;It was on the door to the Travel Centre%26quot;.

    Operator: %26quot;Sir, they are our opening hours%26quot;.

    Samsung Electronics

    Caller: %26quot;Can you give me the telephone number for Jack?%26quot;

    Operator: %26quot;I'm sorry, sir, I don't understand who you are talking about%26quot;

    Caller: %26quot;On page 1, section 5, of the user guide it clearly states that I need

    to unplug the fax machine from the AC wall socket and telephone Jack before cleaning. Now, can you give me the number for Jack?%26quot;

    Operator: %26quot;I think you mean the telephone point on the wall%26quot;.

    RAC Motoring Services

    Caller: %26quot;Does your European Breakdown Policy cover me when I am travelling in Australia?%26quot;

    Operator: %26quot; Doesn't the product give you a clue?%26quot;

    Caller (enquiring about legal requirements while travelling in France): %26quot;If I register my car in France , do I have to change the steering wheel to the other side of the car?%26quot;

    Directory Enquiries

    Caller: %26quot;I’d like the number of the Argoed Fish Bar in Cardiff please%26quot;.

    Operator: %26quot;I'm sorry, there's no listing. Is the spelling correct?%26quot;

    Caller: “Well, it used to be called the Bargoed Fish Bar but the 'B' fell off%26quot;.

    Then there was the caller who asked for a knitwear company in Woven.

    Operator: %26quot;Woven? Are you sure?%26quot;

    Caller: %26quot;Yes. That's what it says on the label;Woven in Scotland %26quot;.

    On another occasion, a man making heavy breathing sounds from a phone box told a worried operator: %26quot;I haven't got a pen, so I'm steaming up the window to write the number on%26quot;.

    Tech Support: %26quot;I need you to right-click on the Open Desktop%26quot;.

    Customer: %26quot;OK%26quot;.

    Tech Support: %26quot;Did you get a pop-up menu?%26quot;

    Customer: %26quot;No%26quot;.

    Tech Support: %26quot;OK. Right-Click again. Do you see a pop-up menu?%26quot;

    Customer: %26quot;No%26quot;.

    Tech Support: %26quot;OK, sir. Can you tell me what you have done up until this


    Customer: %26quot;Sure. You told me to write 'click' and I wrote 'click'%26quot;.

    Tech Support:

    %26quot;OK. In the bottom left hand side of the screen, can you see the 'OK' button


    Customer: %26quot;Wow. How can you see my screen from there?%26quot;

    Caller: %26quot;I deleted a file from my PC last week and I have just realised that I need it.

    If I turn my system clock back two weeks will I have my file back again?%26quot;.

    There's always one. This has got to be one of the funniest things in a long time. I think this guy should have been promoted, not fired This is a true story from the Word

    Perfect Helpline, which was transcribed from a recording monitoring the customer care department.

    Needless to say the Help Desk employee was fired; however, he/she is currently suing the Word Perfect organization for %26quot;Termination without Cause%26quot;.

    Actual dialogue of a former WordPerfect Customer Support employee. (Now I know why they record these conversations!)

    Operator: %26quot;Ridge Hall, computer assistance; may I help you?%26quot;

    Caller: %26quot;Yes, well, I'm having trouble with WordPerfect.%26quot;

    Operator: %26quot;What sort of trouble?%26quot;

    Caller: %26quot;Well, I was just typing along, and all of a sudden the words went away.%26quot;

    Operator: %26quot;Went away?%26quot;

    Caller: %26quot;They disappeared.%26quot;

    Operator: %26quot;Hmm So what does your screen look like now?%26quot;

    Caller: %26quot;Nothing.%26quot;

    Operator: %26quot;Nothing??%26quot;

    Caller: %26quot;It's blank; it won't accept anything when I type.%26quot;

    Operator: %26quot;Are you still in WordPerfect, or did you get out??%26quot;

    Caller: %26quot;How do I tell?%26quot;

    Operator: %26quot;Can you see the C: prompt on the screen?%26quot;

    Caller: %26quot;What's a sea-prompt?%26quot;

    Operator: %26quot;Never mind, can you move your cursor around the screen?%26quot;

    Caller: %26quot;There isn't any cursor: I told you, it won't accept anything I type.%26quot;

    Operator: %26quot;Does your monitor have a power indicator??%26quot;

    Caller: %26quot;What's a monitor?%26quot;

    Operator: %26quot;It's the thing with the screen on it that looks like a TV. Does

    it have a little light that tells you when it's on?”

    Caller: %26quot;I don't know.%26quot;

    Operator: %26quot;Well, then look on the back of the monitor and find where the
    Are people really that dumb?
    I enjoyed the first ones until I came across the last one. It is too long, I really don't want to read all that and then...Tada! I found myself almost done...and then...Yehey! I finished reading it.

    Now I cannot breathe!

    For a while there, I really needed to go to my bed and roll laughing...

    This is one of those jokes that gets me every time I read them, no matter how many times I read them.

    Thank you very much for the laugh...

    Too bad I am laughing at the expense of people's stupidities. Yes, they exist, these effing Homo anti-sapiens!

    Clear skies!
    Are people really that dumb?

    Report Abuse

    In reference to your question: YES. I think you proved that well enough. :)
    silently rofl'ing.

    that last one, was very good, i agree he shouldn't get fired.
    amazing, just amazing.

    if only i ever have a phone call like that.
    I agree with you; people CAN'T afford to be so dumb and stupid!
    I guess you just cant fix stupid. Those were funny.
    Oooh somebody's been wathcing Happyslip, but they were genuinly hilarious
    well look at george bush if you ever doubt human stupidity
    haha, funny :)
    how about the one where the woman called the tech line and said her cup holder was broken?

    unfortunately people can be that dumb. i know a few who are.
  • hair gel
  • increasechances to find a date
  • How do i take my boyfriend?

    I know what i think, id just like to c if everyone else thinks the same.

    This guy i just started seeing was with his x for 2 years they was engaged. He dumped her as he didnt know what he wanted. Whilst he has been with me he has changed his car and has put his Exs stuff in it (Tax Disc Holder, Novelty Boxing Gloves, Novelty airfreshner) he passes her road every day after work even thou he doesnt need to go that way.

    The other day he saw her driving in the distance he sped up to catch her up she saw him stuck her hand out the window , he hooted she hooted, he hooted again. then she turned of down her road.

    within minutes a text message came thru on his phone the ex had text him nice motor ;-), he replied straight away, he only sent about 3 messages in total but was pretty quick at replying.

    since the break up they havent kept in touch only talk when they bump into each other.

    if ur bf did this what would you think?
    How do i take my boyfriend?
    i would think that he still has some feelings for her.

    if they were engaged and it was that serious..

    it's hard to get over.
    How do i take my boyfriend?
    if she's an ex why has he still got her numbers on his phone. it's different if you speak to them alot, but by the sounds of it he doesn't, so you need to ask him this question.
    tell him how you feel
    He's obviously not over her, and he's probably using you to try and move on but he's not willing to let go of her completely.
    I'd think he still wants her more than me and would kick him to the kerb if he didn't stop it.
    He sounds like he isnt over him at all! Why did they break up?

    I wouldnt bother with him. Even if he truely does want to be with you, how could he do that when he inst over his ex? I would have a talk with him about it and decide where ur relationship goes after that.

    Goodluck with everything :)
    I would just dump him! this world has better guys in it sweetie. this may be fates way of telling that you 2 shoudn't be together. I suggest meeting more guys first before going into engagement. everyone can find the perfect someone who only cares about you out there. i hope you do and good luck! =)
    Seems he cant let go, be careful that his undecided mind of 17 months ago does not kick into place and make him realise he wants her back.
    i wud think he isnt over her
    Hmmm it sounds like he definitely is interested in her still and she's the same, otherwise why make such a big deal out of bumping into eachother on the road!

    I hate to be the bearer of bad news but you should dump this guy and move on, I was used by a guy to get over his ex and let me tell you it's a horrible experience. I wish somebody had warned me and I had dumped him.
    He still wants her. You deserve SO much better. So, all you have to do is say %26quot;Goodbye, player%26quot;

    Good luck. ;)

    Your take on my dream please (very long and detailed)?

    I was on a train ride up north. Husband was there, but in the dream I only saw him once or twice. It was beautiful outside-trees, rivers, mountains. Beauty everywhere. I remember hearing someone on the loudspeaker talking about a glass bridge that was once used, but has been closed down. They said if you look through the trees you can see it. I opened these russet colored velvet draperies and looked through a picture window. (still on the train, but stopped because no scenery was going past) There was a beautiful blue river below and spanning it was this bridge. Made of metal and glass. The sides/walls of the bridge were glass blocks, and the framework was metal. They were aged/cloudy, but still beautiful. I saw the floor (?) of the bridge and knew it was also made of glass, but it was dirty and if I walked on it, I knew it would break.

    The scene changed and I was outside. The train was stopped for a break and we were allowed to stretch our legs. Then husband and I were in a rowboat, (I didn't see him, but knew he was there) but I don't remember any oars, but we were moving. No motor, no sails. We were on a slow moving river, and I was thinking how beautiful the scenery was. I dipped my hand into the cool water and it felt soooo good. I wanted to jump in. I looked up ahead and there was a kind of a pen in the water for swimming creatures. Kind of like a %26quot;Shamu%26quot; pen if you've ever been to Sea World. But more natural. There were 3 grizzly bears swimming in the water, lazily. Their fur was wet and I remember seeing the ends of their fur shining like silver.

    Then I remember hurrying back to the train. I was thinking....OMG we're going to be late and miss the train! Sure enough the train had just pulled out of the station. We went inside and husband promptly disappeared, going to sightsee in the station/museum kind of building. I spoke to one of the workers and asked if they could call the train back. He told me no, but they would be waiting for us in Eugene and we can take a taxi up there to Eugene. I asked them if I could simply stay overnight and catch the next one. They said %26quot;No, because it's not the same train and your belongings will not be on the train.%26quot; I am getting pretty stressed out at this point. I asked how much a taxi would be. The man told me to go outside and ask. As I approached the door, an older woman whispered to me, %26quot;Talk to the first car-they will deal with you%26quot; I went to the 3rd car instead and was told it would be 1400 dollars to drive up to Eugene. I gasped and felt my insides tighten up. I went to the second car and this woman was there. If you've ever seen the Muppets, she looked like a human version of Janice in the Electric Mayhem Band. Blonde-hippie type. She said she could get us there for 1000 bucks.

    At this point I'm thinking, I don't have that kind of money in my checking account, and I don't have a credit card to cover it. I am near tears now and almost frantic. I am thinking...%26quot;Well, i could write a check and hope it didn't come through till I got paid%26quot; Then I realized that my wallet and all my belongings are on the train. I have nothing, no money, no cell phone, nothing. i am stuck in this town and no way to get out. Husband is no where to be found. I burst into tears, frustration, anger, sorrow, worry. all the emotions rolled into one. And then I woke up.

    From re-reading it, this sounds a bit like financial worries. But that sounds too simple to me. Any ideas? If you have read this far, thanks for taking the time.
    Your take on my dream please (very long and detailed)?
    what i read is:

    the unused bridge is beautiful, but dirty and fragile-- although a bridge may often refers to a transition or a passing over difficulties, or even marriage itself, taken together with the aforementioned adjectives, this strikes me as possible sexual symbolism.

    You are drifting lazily, then, because of your inattention, you find yourself stranded.

    oddly, you didn't miss the boat, but you did miss the train. this suggests that you are afraid that if you take the easy route, you're going to miss the opportunity to do what you had planned.

    and there's that whole disappearing husband in there too.

    I think you should talk to him.
    Your take on my dream please (very long and detailed)?
    Click for the answer,,, below.鈥?/a>
    Well, I think we should start with the %26quot;husband%26quot;. You'll notice that you refer to him as %26quot;husband%26quot; and not %26quot;my husband%26quot;, so there's obviously some issues there. The whole dream is probably based on your relationship with him. The scenery is very beautiful, so you must have had a very nice relationship with him. This relationship was just taking you along very nicely, so that you didn't need to be in control of your own destiny. That's why there were no oars. You liked being able to trust your husband to provide for your happiness. But the bridge that takes you to this beautiful scenery is starting to crumble. You see a pen, which warns of being trapped. You then see some dangerous creatures, disguised as something beautiful. You realize the mirage and you know it's time to get back, to where you can control your own destiny. You are afraid of taking that leap, however. Do you have enough wherewithal to make it on your own? You have a job, but want more security. After all, what you're leaving is quite beautiful. Security, I think is what it is. You make your own money, but I guess he must make a tidy sum to add to that. I think you definitely want to be more free, but do you have the guts to become a real hippy/Jack Kerouac kind of person?

    Acruallcall centre conversations?

    Customer: %26#039;I%26#039;ve been ringing 0800 2100 for two days and can%26#039;t get through to enquiries, can you help?%26#039;.

    Operator: %26#039;Where did you get that number from, sir?%26#039;.

    Customer: %26#039;It was on the door to the Travel Centre%26#039;.

    Operator: %26#039;Sir, they are our opening hours%26#039;.


    Samsung Electronics


    Caller: %26#039;Can you give me the telephone number for Jack?%26#039;

    Operator: %26#039;I%26#039;m sorry, sir, I don%26#039;t understand who you are talking about%26#039;.

    Caller: %26#039;On page 1, section 5, of the user guide it clearly states that I need to unplug the fax machine from the AC wall socket and telephone Jack before cleaning. Now, can you give me the number for Jack?%26#039;

    Operator: %26#039;I think you mean the telephone point on the wall%26#039;.


    RAC Motoring Services

    Caller: %26#039;Does your European Breakdown Policy cover me when I am travelling in Australia ?%26#039;

    Operator: %26#039; Doesn%26#039;t the product name give you a clue?%26#039;

    Caller (enquiring about legal requirements while travelling in France ):

    %26#039;If I register my car in France , do I have to change the steering wheel to the other side of the car?%26#039;


    Directory Enquiries

    Caller: %26#039;I%26#039;d like the number of the Argoed Fish Bar in Cardiff please%26#039;.

    Operator: %26#039;I%26#039;m sorry, there%26#039;s no listing. Is the spelling correct?%26#039;

    Caller: %26#039;Well, it used to be called the Bargoed Fish Bar but the %26#039;B%26#039; fell off%26#039;.


    Then there was the caller who asked for a knitwear company in Woven.

    Operator: %26#039;Woven? Are you sure?%26#039;

    Caller: %26#039;Yes. That%26#039;s what it says on the label; Woven in Scotland%26#039;.


    On another occasion, a man making heavy breathing sounds from a phone box told a worried operator:

    %26#039;I haven%26#039;t got a pen, so I%26#039;m steaming up the window to write the number on%26#039;.


    Tech Support: %26#039;I need you to right-click on the Open Desktop%26#039;.

    Customer: %26#039;OK%26#039;.

    Tech Support: %26#039;Did you get a pop-up menu?%26#039;.

    Customer: %26#039;No%26#039;.

    Tech Support: %26#039;OK. Right-Click again. Do you see a pop-up menu?%26#039;

    Customer: %26#039;No%26#039;.

    Tech Support: %26#039;OK, sir. Can you tell me what you have done up until this point?%26#039;.

    Customer: %26#039;Sure. You told me to write %26#039;click%26#039; and I wrote %26#039;click%26#039;%26#039;.

    -- ----------------------------------------鈥?

    Tech Support: %26#039;OK. In the bottom left hand side of the screen, can you see the %26#039;OK%26#039; button displayed?%26#039;

    Customer: %26#039;Wow. How can you see my screen from there?%26#039;


    Caller: %26#039;I deleted a file from my PC last week and I have just realised that I need it. If I turn my system clock back two weeks will I have my file back again?%26#039;.
    Acruallcall centre conversations?
    Some people really do qualify for the Darwinian award.
    Acruallcall centre conversations?
    oh my god thats all i can say

    Nice quotes.


    Weird travel dream-any ideas as to meaning? (long)?

    I was on a train ride up north. Husband was there, but in the dream I only saw him once or twice. It was beautiful outside-trees, rivers, mountains. Beauty everywhere. I remember hearing someone on the loudspeaker talking about a glass bridge that was once used, but has been closed down. They said if you look through the trees you can see it. I opened these russet colored velvet draperies and looked through a picture window. (still on the train, but stopped because no scenery was going past) There was a beautiful blue river below and spanning it was this bridge. Made of metal and glass. The sides/walls of the bridge were glass blocks, and the framework was metal. They were aged/cloudy, but still beautiful. I saw the floor (?) of the bridge and knew it was also made of glass, but it was dirty and if I walked on it, I knew it would break.

    The scene changed and I was outside. The train was stopped for a break and we were allowed to stretch our legs. Then husband and I were in a rowboat, (I didn't see him, but knew he was there) but I don't remember any oars, but we were moving. No motor, no sails. We were on a slow moving river, and I was thinking how beautiful the scenery was. I dipped my hand into the cool water and it felt soooo good. I wanted to jump in. I looked up ahead and there was a kind of a pen in the water for swimming creatures. Kind of like a %26quot;Shamu%26quot; pen if you've ever been to Sea World. But more natural. There were 3 grizzly bears swimming in the water, lazily. Their fur was wet and I remember seeing the ends of their fur shining like silver.

    Then I remember hurrying back to the train. I was thinking....OMG we're going to be late and miss the train! Sure enough the train had just pulled out of the station. We went inside and husband promptly disappeared, going to sightsee in the station/museum kind of building. I spoke to one of the workers and asked if they could call the train back. He told me no, but they would be waiting for us in Eugene and we can take a taxi up there to Eugene. I asked them if I could simply stay overnight and catch the next one. They said %26quot;No, because it's not the same train and your belongings will not be on the train.%26quot; I am getting pretty stressed out at this point. I asked how much a taxi would be. The man told me to go outside and ask. As I approached the door, an older woman whispered to me, %26quot;Talk to the first car-they will deal with you%26quot; I went to the 3rd car instead and was told it would be 1400 dollars to drive up to Eugene. I gasped and felt my insides tighten up. I went to the second car and this woman was there. If you've ever seen the Muppets, she looked like a human version of Janice in the Electric Mayhem Band. Blonde-hippie type. She said she could get us there for 1000 bucks.

    At this point I'm thinking, I don't have that kind of money in my checking account, and I don't have a credit card to cover it. I am near tears now and almost frantic. I am thinking...%26quot;Well, i could write a check and hope it didn't come through till I got paid%26quot; Then I realized that my wallet and all my belongings are on the train. I have nothing, no money, no cell phone, nothing. i am stuck in this town and no way to get out. Husband is no where to be found. I burst into tears, frustration, anger, sorrow, worry. all the emotions rolled into one. And then I woke up.
    Weird travel dream-any ideas as to meaning? (long)?
    Is there something bothering you? This dream strongly indicates stress.
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  • Do u like my (half)story?

    it wont let me paste the entire thing. thsi is just a draft. im 13 so its not that good. by the way., does anyway have any good name ideas?

    thsi is it. im sorry about the spelling its just a draft. theres some parts that doesnt make any sense cause i changed it a bit. heres the first chapter:

    Chapter 1. Broken

    I was so excited. My family and I were heading on our way to our new house in Scottsdale. We were travelling in our brand new sleek black Volvo. Every body seemed to stare as we easily passed them in our turbo motor. It was going to be amazing! My family lived in a run down little home, just the 3 of use. Then came my baby brother Liam. My parents decided that our house was too small to fit a 4-member family so we decided that it was time to leave. My parents had gotten married back when they were young. There were high school sweethearts. My mother was 18 and my father 19 when bought the house and had me. I was 15 and was sick of the little cottage, I had lived there for my entire life. Luckily, my mother became pregnant and had my 4-year-old brother. At first, it was easily. The 2 bedrooms suited us perfectly. Lots of room. There was never a line to the bathroom. My brother sleeped in his cot in my parent鈥檚 room. We were fine until he hit the age of three. Suddenly, there was a line to the bathroom and the two bedrooms didn鈥檛 have enough space for an extra bed, the cot now out grown. To make the deal even sweeter, my father got a promotion up in Scottsdale, so that sealed the deal. We were leaving. I loved that old house, but we desperately needed something more. I had seen a grainy picture of the house from my dad鈥檚 automatic camera. It wasn鈥檛 very clear, but you could see how graceful the old double storied house looked. It was old, but in mint condition, and cheap too. I was bouncing up in my seat, I could wait. The three hour drive seemed to drag. The road was slick and icy. My father took great care driving slowly, knowing that the road was extremely dangerous. We were almost there, then suddenly it was all a blur, a flash of blue appeared out of nowhere, losing control on the slick ice. I felt the painful blow of the truck colliding into the right side of our Volvo and the metallic screech of twisting mental. My hands flew up into the air, trying to grab onto something, but failing. Our car screeched to a stop. The jerking motion sent caused my neck buckle and hit the side window with amazing force. I heard glass shatter and a ripping feeling on the top of my head. I raised my hand to my head, where the searing pain was located, until I felt the painful glass digging into my hands. I ignored the pain and touched the top of my head I felt something warm and sticky oozing from a large gash. I heard a surprisingly loud sound, like a-bomb exploding. It hurt my ears. I lifted my mangled, bloody hand to my ears to shield them from the sound until I felt the comforting heat. I must be dead I decided. I shut my eyes to slip into the darkness. It was peaceful for a while. I heard my family calling me. I followed their voices with awe and wonder. The heat grew. It was starting to get uncomfortable. I was running quicker towards the voices. Death should be this uncomfortable. The heat grew, almost raising me up to the surface. I was slowly getting closer and closer to my families voices. I was almost there, then the heat became unbearable, almost painful. I came back up to the surface unwillingly. This was torture. Why couldn鈥檛 I slip away peacefully? I was drowsy, but I knew I had to get away from the heat. I glanced towards my window, now smashed in pieces surrounding me. An exit. Perfect. I tried to use my legs to push my self out through the broken glass. My hands dug and elbow dug into the shattered glass. I could feel warm blood trickling down my check from my head. I couldn鈥檛 feel my wound anymore it was just numb. Suddenly, pain ran up my left leg. I heard an ear-piercing scream. Then I realised it was me. The pain was unmentionable. I used my arms and right leg to somehow push my way through the broken glass and twisted metal. I felt the remaining glass cut into my stomach as I dragged my body across the window. My left leg followed limply across the metal and rubble.

    its currently 4,799 words. im on the secound chapter. i havnt really gotten far. but above just a little take from the story.
    Do u like my (half)story?
    hi there bella. thats a really good start. keep going and you'll do very well. if i had to mark that i would give you an A+
    Do u like my (half)story?
    WOW! thats really good! if you keep going, you may go far!
    please please please, write out the second half, cos the first is a stunning piece of work. Congratulations.

    I think I might have Asperger's Syndrome?!?

    I know it isn't really possible to be diagnosed over the internet, but I just want opinions from anyone who actually knows about Asperger's to tell me what they think, and if I should go see my GP for a referral or something. My symptoms:

    SOCIAL SKILLS: I quite often find that I don't know what to say in social situations, especially when people say, %26quot;Hello, how are you?%26quot; and sometimes I don't respond. People often tell me to talk more and call me 'aloof', but I'm bad at small talk and conversations (especially with strangers). I don't enjoy talking to people who aren't my closest friends/family/people on the internet.

    EYE CONTACT: I CAN look people in the eyes, but it feels slightly uncomfortable, so I look away. But if someone just randomly looks into my eyes (even when I'm not talking to them) I suddenly feel really anxious and my automatic reaction is to look away.

    MOTOR SKILLS/POSTURE: I have always been uncoordinated and P.E. at school is torture (I HATE sport). My parents often complain to me that I have a stiff, slouchy posture, and that its weird how I hardly ever move my arms when I walk!

    OBSESSIONS: I always get SO obsessed with things, especially unusual things, like I could tell you almost everything about guitars, computers, millipedes and heroin (but I have NO INTENTION of trying it!). And those are only a few of my obsessions! My dad gets really obsessed with things, but I'm 100% sure he isn't autistic.

    FACIAL EXPRESSIONS: apparently I hardly ever smile, and I look upset all the time! I CAN tell if people are angry,happy,sad, but I quite often think that people are angry or don't like me when that isn't true!

    CHANGE/RITUALS: I don't mind change (I plan for it in my head), and I don't have rituals, although when I'm on the bus coming home from school, I make a list of things I HAVE to do (feed the cat, wash my hands, etc.) and I need to do them in that order.

    SENSORY: I have extra-sensitive senses (I can taste food poisoning, and streetlights hurt my eyes, even when it's nighttime and I'm in a car with tinted windows). Also some noises really annoy me, like I feel a strong desire to attack those annoying girls who scream (I hate screaming, and I DON'T EVER scream, even in fear). I have a high pain tolerance and I don't mind being hugged, but I HATE being tickled (it hurts!). I also notice details others don't, and I get distracted by background noise.

    EMPATHY: I find it hard to feel sad for my relatives who die (I laughed when I found out my uncle had just committed suicide, because I KNEW he was going to one day but no one believed me!). But I felt sad when my cat died.

    Also I'm 15 and I can't get to sleep unless I have my soft toys and baby blanket, and I punched my friend when he was only joking (but I thought he was being serious and insulting me). I think idioms are stupid, and I need them (along with those silly expressions people use) explained to me. All the time, I find myself wiggling my toes and fiddling with zips and my nails and fingers and I don't consiously do that!
    I think I might have Asperger's Syndrome?!?
    What a wonderful society that we live in that we have to classify everything, and put people in a box, so that we can prescribe medication and make lots of money on them.

    I have had all of the problems that you have, and I don't even think for a minute that if I had been diagnosed with that %26quot;disease%26quot;, that my life would be better now. (I'm 40)

    These are tough things, and it takes time to sort them all out, but if you take the time, and put in the effort, it is very rewarding.

    Yoga and meditation, helped me to change my life.

    You do what you think is best for you. Medication, or meditation, the choice is yours.

    All the best to you.
    I think I might have Asperger's Syndrome?!?
    well if you have it i do too because everything you just said describes me. I always just thought it was because i was kinda insecure and neurotic.
    You could possibly have it, but i think you should go see your GP for a referral =)
    I think you heard about Asperger's syndrome and because you are a hypochondriac you believe that you suffer from this alleged syndrome.
    I don't think you have this syndrome.You are 15years old?.It doesn't matter if you still like your baby toys and blanket.I think you're very shy and very anxious.

    Believe me i am shy too,and i feel uncomfortable when somebody stares at me and get blushed easily,and don't like to talk with many people but i was shyer than now.When i was 2or3 years old i didn't want to speak,i just sat down on the floor at the corners,my parents thought that i might have this syndrome too.But little by little i started to talk,untill 7years old i laid down with my baby bottle to drink my milk.I am so anxious that i constantly bite my nails!..

    If you want you can go to a doctor,a psychologist,but don't take any remedies or do any treatment with drugs because i don't think you need it.Just relax,be yourself,i have been my whole life very shy,quite,unsociable and i know i am very different from the girls of my same age,but that is me.Don't worry,if you want to talk,e-mail me.
    I highly doubt you have aspergers. I have experienced at least half of the things you described (fidgeting, bad motor skills, lack of facial expressions to name a few) and for the most part I was just shy. If you had aspergers there would probably have been signs when you were VERY young, and the signs that you had would have been much more severe than what you have been describing. I knew a kid with aspergers and his social skills were almost non-existent (he had many other odd behaviors as well, things that are as far from normal as possible), where in your case it sound like you are either shy and/or hyper sensitive. I really think you are a pretty normal person and you have nothing to worry about. If any of the things you described are interfering with your happiness or ability to function, then go see your GP but other than that I don't think you should worry :)

    Walking 8 mth old sleeping baby in my arms and a car with illegal pipes rolls up on me .....?

    ok,I had just had the in laws down for ten days that reacked havoc on my marriage.My wife took them to the airport while leaving me in my bedroom and they did not want to tell me goodbye.For the next 6 days my wife was visibly upset with me.I had wound up raising our son for the first 8 mths of his life while I also earned 2/3 of our income from working from home,but my wife worked a 3 hr a day part time job.The baby never latched which devastated her and she was so tired and depressed I wound up feeding and changing him the most,then she went back to work and I and my son bonded very tight.The highlight of my sons day was when mommy would come home from work.However,at around three mths of age he demanded to be placed on my shoulders for 15 minute shoulder rides aprx 3 to 4 times a day.The in laws totally tried to disrupt this wanting to place him i a stroller which just made him angry screaming and crying for his %26quot;walks%26quot;,which I tried for all ten days to let them do the stroller thing,but he demanded his %26quot;walks%26quot; with me anyway.The last night I raised my voice and said %26quot;god d@mmit just do what works!%26quot; after they had made him cry for 45 minutes and I took my son and took him for a ten minute walk,brought him into his mommy and handed him to her and said,%26quot;here a happy content baby%26quot;.He was smiling and happy having had his normal daily routine.The mil huffed out of the room so I simply left for 4 hrs and came home at midnight their last night at our home,hoping they would have some class and respect our home.Instead my wife attacked me.I even went next door to my neighbors trying to prevent an argument but my wife came outside screaming at me and the neighbors,which is not a normal thing for my wife to do.Anyway 6 days later she was marching around the house showing me her anger towards me,and I tried to talk to her about it,and she started crying so I took the baby for a shoulder walk because my wife obvioulsy di not need me sitting with her right then.As I walked back into the subdivision an 18 yr old kid that lived kitty corner from me pulls up in his mustand ,pushes in his clutch and begins repeatatively romping his motor,waking and frightening my 8 mh old sleeping son.This kid knows I walk this baby and that the child was in my arms.The kid pulls into his yard and he and anther kid get out flexing their chests as if taunting me.I go and hand my son to my wife and pick up a large garden brick and hurl it into the kids parked car window with his father standing about 15 ft from me.They operate a roofing company and so 5 guys come out after me as I am walking back into the street so that at least I am not tresspassing when and if police show up.While i spend the night in jail my wife takes off with my son 1000 miles away and files an ex parte and tries to file for divorce.I file divorce down here first.This was 6 mths ago.I asked her tonight if she was planning on leaving me before I put the brick into the neighbors window and she said no.I told her I was more upset that night because I thought she was going to leave me before I took the walk with my son.Would you leave your husband over this type of situation?The neighbors used to drag race down our street and do not really do that anymore.I told my wife about that tonight about how it is sad to me how many ladies started walking their children on our road after I put the brick into the window as it gained respect for our street but I made the street safe for everyone elses babies but not for my son.

    Would you have left under these given situations?I even have an affidavit from the neighbor lesbians that I went to talk to (we did not know they were lesbians at the time because the ladies husband had just moved out after living next to us for 4 yrs) that my wife had came over upset and that I said a few things to her but nothing uncalled for or out of the range of a normal argument.I just told my wife that her parents were causing our baby to cry and I left to avoid an argument.In the 12 yrs we were together I haqd never left for more than an hr without telling her where I was going,so I did cause her worry that night as I was hurt that she never stands up to her family for me when they attack me for the past 12 yrs.I told my wife I would never hurt her or my son,but I think she is just trying to save face to her mother.I don't want a divorce I was protecting my baby.Had I called the police I thnk the neighbors would have been vandalizing my home and become hostile,vs me going on the offense calmed them down
    Walking 8 mth old sleeping baby in my arms and a car with illegal pipes rolls up on me .....?
    My mother did not like my husband and I had to make a stand I did not talk to her for two years. Now she understand that's it my life not hers. I know what your wife is going thought but one day she will have to make a stand. Their will be no pace in your house in till she do. Talk to her and make her understand that you love her and you want to be home with your family. 12 years is a long time to call it off don't give up and if I was you I would try to move sometimes neighborhoods down hill. Good Luck
    Walking 8 mth old sleeping baby in my arms and a car with illegal pipes rolls up on me .....?
    Wow! thats a lot of typing! I would be pissed at my husband for doing that. Just because well, like the other person said, something so retarded. But i can understand how it escalated. I may have been mad at my husband but i would've been mad at the kids more. Thats the thing about marriage, or our marriage. You can disagree with your spouse all you want behind closed door, but when it comes to the rest of the world, you always have each others back no matter who's right or wrong! Your wife needs to realize that. This is so silly to get a divorce over and it has meddeling in laws written all over it!

    edit** I just went back and read what the person above me wrote, and they also make an extremely valid point. You might have to sit and think. We're you being inconsiderate to their feelings? My family is lucky to have bought the house next door to my parents. I see everyday how grandparents love grandchildren, and i tell you, its something like no other! Its different from them loving there own children. I cant explain it but, it is something to consider. Maybe they just wanted their own time to bond with your son. Just make sure you think about all sides and everybody involved. good luck
    i think this is more info then needed. Anyhow NO I would not leave my hubby because he tossed a brick at a neighbors car however i would think that was totally retarded way to deal with that situation i would question his angry reaction to something that could have been handle way way better way. I do think it's possible THAT gave her reason to fear you ...just maybe?. As for the in laws she should have stood up for you YES.
    no one needs the drama, not you, not your wife and least of all your son........
    your wife needs to grow up and you did not marry her parents, you may need to file for a divorce because she has taken the child out of state, check this site for answers to your issues. you do need a lawyer.
    So your in laws came and stayed for 10 days so obviously they must live a fair distance away.So they dont see their grandson very often. What I see is you need to just take a back seat and let them have as much time with their grandson as possible.Looks like you couldn't let them have that time. There are times in a childs life that routines dont need to be as strict, and this was one of them. Your stubbornness has meant that you have lost a lot. Your wife is now looking after your child by herself so obviously he would not be crying for his walks with you every day. Kids adapt to things and if you just let your in laws have their own bonding time with your son without butting in things might have been different . Anyway maybey a lot of apologizing to your in laws might go a long way to getting your family back together . Sometimes you just have to swallow your ego.